When you apply for Guru Diksha, you get a Guru chadar(shawl to wear while performing Sadhana), a Sfatik rosary (to chant Guru Mantra) and one year subscription of “Narayan Mantra Sadhana Vigyan” magazine free along with Guru Diksha.
You need to take Guru Diksha before performing any Sadhana or taking any other Diksha.
You should always clarify all points and issues about a Sadhana with Revered Arvindji Gurudevji to ensure that you are on right track.
The Diksha can be granted on a photograph. The photograph should be a recent one, and the face should be clearly visible on the photograph.
The photograph, bank draft and the letter containing name, address and Diksha(s) requested should be sent to Jodhpur Gurudham address.
You should follow all the instructions received from the Jodhpur Gurudham after grant of Diksha.
You may contact Jodhpur Gurudham by letter, telephone or email to get the details/Puja Expenses for a particular Diksha.
The Diksha is granted free of cost by Pujya Gurudev. The money indicated goes towards charitable causes through Dr. Narayan Dutt Shrimali Foundation International Charitable Trust Society.
The Bank Draft should be in favour of “Dr. Narayan Dutt Shrimali Foundation International Charitable Trust Society” payable at Jodhpur, India.