Diksha is a unique and rare process of making the life of a disciple more pure, more enlightened and more successful...
Yantra is a geometric figure inscribed on a metallic plate or paper and is the confluence of the powers of the concerned God...
Revered Gurudev has written more than Five Hundred books on various topics like Astrology, Palmistry, Tantra, Sadhanas, Kundalini, Meditation...
Through Sadhanas even impossible looking tasks are accomplished. Basically Sadhanas aim at confluence of two energies...
Mantra is a divine combination of divine syllables or sounds which when chanted with devotion,faith and emotion gravitate the concerned God...
i.e. May we follow a path, for the welfare of all. May we lead the whole world on the path to prosperity.
Mantra is a set of particular words in a particular configuration and rhythm by chanting which one can fulfil one's wish.
Tantra means a method to perform a worship in a systemised way.
Yantra is a geometric figure inscribed on a metallic plate or paper and is the confluence of the powers of the concerned God....
The mind of the Sadhak is like the tree Kalptaru that fulfils all wishes. The thoughts that rise in the mind can be converted into power of the soul. If the mind of the Sadhak is full of fearlessness, hope, confidence and kindness then he gets all boons in life.
But if he becomes afraid of adverse circumstances then he loses confidence and destroys his own chances of success.
You are as you are because you want to be so. If you want to be different in life then start changing yourself today.
Devotion to God does not mean giving up things. Devotion means the flowering of all one's capabilities. True religion never tells a person to give up worldly duties. Religion asks a person to get rid of mental disturbance, moral wrongs and ignorance.
There is no more a happy person than a Sadhak in this world. A common person is ignorant. Ignorance leads to egotism. Egotism generates fear. Fear leads to confusion. Confusion is there because man has many wishes. And most wishes are there because man desires pleasure. It is due to indulgence in pleasures that a person develops traits. It is due to these traits that a person has to take birth again and again and has to suffer sorrows and pain.
Sadhana means toiling hard from morning till evening. Just chanting of Mantras is not Sadhana.
For becoming fully happy one has to cut the roots of ignorance, egotism and confusion with the help of the means prescribed by the Guru.
Devotion to God does not mean giving up things. Devotion means the flowering of all one's capabilities. True religion never tells a person to give up worldly duties. Religion asks a person to get rid of mental disturbance, moral wrongs and ignorance.
Devotion to God does not mean giving up things. Devotion means the flowering of all one's capabilities. True religion never tells a person to give up worldly duties. Religion asks a person to get rid of mental disturbance, moral wrongs and ignorance.
11 Oct 2024
22 Nov 2024
19 Dec 2024
12-13 Oct 2024
23-24 Nov 2024
24-25 Dec 2024