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Guru-Disciple relationship and Diksha

Sadhanas have a set procedure, a method, a fixed series of actions without following which one could never achieve the desired goal. There are many people who have attained success in Sadhanas by adopting Sadhana procedures. And if Mantra-Tantra-Yantra are part of a science then it cannot be that one person shall gain success through it while the other shall fail.

The reason for failure is that the Sadhak does not have experience. One needs to adjust radio to a particular frequency to tune in a station. If, for example, station is available at 500 KHz then even 499 or 501 could mean failure to catch the station. Same is case with Sadhanas. If our soul is not able to link properly or there is noise around or Mantra recital is not clear then success remains elusive. One may be on the verge of success but it might slip out of one’s hands due to such reasons. However, if one tries again he can reach that point for if he can touch 499 or 501 he can also reach 500. And then the divine power shall be his.

It is a scientific fact that any word or sound that escapes a person’s lips resonates throughout the universe and can never be erased. Even impossible looking tasks can be achieved through the right resonance. Dr. Fristolov demonstrated how a vibration can be produced in the cells of one’s body through the medium of sound resonance. Through these resonances even physical ailments can be cured. Even the size of vegetables and produce increased by playing sweet music regularly in the fields.

Mantra recital too produces a particular sound resonance that spreads throughout the ether, a very fast medium. For example when a Sadhak chants the Mantra related to the sun then the sound resonance reaches the sun in a few moments and after striking it return having gathered from the sun a part of its special power. And when these strike the Sadhak’s body the power is transferred into him. Thus the Mantra produces its effect on the Sadhak’s body, mind and soul.

It is important to note, however that till there is not the right frequency in the sound it shall not be able to travel to the sun or bring back its power. Hence correct pronunciation is extremely important.

Certainly. The Guru is the foremost requirement for a man seeking exhaltion of human life. A disciple is spiritually magnetised by the reverent contact with a Guru; a subtle current is generated. The disciple’s undesirable habit mechanisms in the brain are often cauterised; the grooves of his worldly tendencies are beneficially disturbed. Momentarily he finds the veil of Maya lifting and glimpses the reality of bliss.

Actually a Guru is present in the inner conscience of his disciple. A Guru who is physically present before a disciple, enable the disciple to have a vision of the Guru present within his inner conscience and as soon as the disciple perceives the magnificent form of Guru within his inner core, his spiritual progress begin.

It is true that a disciple is linked with his Guru since many previous lives. The Guru of previous life remains the Guru in the present life, but when the disciple is born, due to his upbringing he forgets his Guru and on getting maturity starts his search for his Guru.

One remains enveloped by uncertainties till he finds the Guru of his previous life. At that moment his spiritual revelations begin instantaneously and the feeling of respect and surrender to the Guru gets stronger. He gets bliss in his Guru’s presence and remains ever keen to make maximum sacrifices and this happens when one gets linked with the Guru of previous birth.

In reality this relationship commences when a disciple contacts the Guru for his materialistic problems and later this culminates into a spiritual relationship. The Guru element is a formless element before which a disciple makes complete surrender and because of this, initiation by the Guru is considered the first basic requirement of the spiritual aspirant. Learning in absence of a Guru is like a woman getting pregnant in her husband’s absence, which is illegitimate and impractical. Similarly systematic learning is possible only through a Guru. On receiving initiation, the Guru-disciple relationship is established and this leads to success in life.

In life, Guru may exist in many forms as father, brother, master or servant. In Gita, Lord Krishna says, “You can consider me as a father, brother or husband which implies that I shall bestow my grace in accordance with your views and feelings”.

Some people seek initiation from Guru for their selfish interests, for getting cured from diseases or just for fun sake whereas there are some people who sincerely desire to attain totality and the Guru fulfils their wishes according to the feelings they have for their Guru.

It is like one marrying many times but none of the marriage is successful. For a successful married life there must be a perfect unison between husband and wife. Similarly in case of Mantra, one should identify the ideal Mantra and then emotionally integrate himself with that Mantra. Secret of success in Mantra Sadhna lies in ceaseless practice of chanting till the aspirant reaches his destination. In materialistic life one can go on marrying and changing wives but in the spiritual life this rule does not hold good. One Guru, one Mantra and one pattern of Sadhna are the cardinal points of success.

A Yantra is very significant and peculiar in itself because each Yantra has its own ‘Aura’ (That essence which emanates from all living things and affords an atmosphere for occult phenomena). The aura shown in pictures around the faces of Lord Rama and Krishna is not imaginary instead it is a real subtle emanation. Recently, the Killian couple of Russia has invented a new technique of viewing this aura. After taking thousands of photographs of different persons they have concluded that each person and object has its own aura but due to our narrow vision, we cannot see that aura.

A Yantra also possesses its own aura due to which during recitation of Mantra, the Mantra remains in close coordination with its Yantra. The Mantra, by getting reflected from its Yantra, creates a specific atmosphere which is essential for the success of the aspirant. If a Yantra is engraved properly and is also sanctified, enlivened and energised with special Mantras, it imparts a definite influence and therefore it is essentially included in Sadhna practices.

As I have mentioned earlier that each object has its aura which co-ordinates itself with the aura of the aspirant. The rosary used in Sadhna or worship is not to count the number of recitations of Mantra instead it is purposely used to get the desired success. A rosary of Tulsi (Basil) is used for devotion and that of coral is used to eliminate the ailments concerned with hypertension. In the same way, a rosary of Rudraksha is helpful for getting tranquility and a successful meditation. A rosary of rock crystal has the property of attracting the sound waves and consequently it is recommended for every Sadhna. During the performance of Sadhna, when the rosary is in the hands of aspirant, it’s aura gets linked up with that of the aspirant and union of these two auras offers concentration to the aspirant which proves beneficial for achieving the desired success.
No, this is not the case. Firstly, it should be kept in mind that the recital of Mantra must be clear and correct and for this purpose, the aspirant should learn the correct pronunciation in the guidance of a competent Guru but even if it is not possible, there is no obstacle during chanting. In case of faulty pronunciation, the effect may be mitigated but there should be no suspicion in the mind about the harmful consequences of faulty recitation or defective pronunciation
Faith is an excellent faculty of the mind and a moving force in spiritual field. It is the wealth of an aspirant. If the Sadhna is performed with the power of faith, the aspirant attains quick and sure success. On making gradual and continuous efforts, this faith increases spontaneously and confers a strong base in the personality of the aspirant.
Anniversaries of great saints, holy days are celebrated once a year. Similarly all Gurus of the world have been allotted a day in the year for them. It is Purnima day. Purnima is a full moon day and Guru means remover of darkness. This day, Guru removes ignorance of the disciple, enlightens him and provides him luminousness of a full moon, that is why this day is called Guru Purnima. This day disciples collect and completely surrender before their Guru and in turn Guru confers upon them the enlightenment they need.

After receiving initiation, the disciple surrenders his body, soul and every thing he possesses, at the feet of his Guru. But in the busy modern life, the disciple along with his family lives hundreds of kilometres away from his Guru and in such circumstances the process of disciple’s submergence into the Guru gets hampered.

According to the norms obtained from the Shastras, some disciples renounce their position, prestige, house, wealth and come to the Guru’s residence for ever either alone or with their wives. Such persons do not have any desire or ambition and such self sacrificing disciples are called Jeevan Dani. They attain dizzy heights at the appropriate time and shine like the Sun.

It is absolutely true. The Guru-disciple relationship is very deep. When strong links get established between the souls of disciple and Guru, their inner consciences get merged together. In such a situation, credit of pious deeds of the Guru gets transferred to the disciple and all the accumulated sins of the disciple gets transferred to the Guru. Consequently on this account the Guru has to pay in terms of difficulties and pains for the misdeeds and sins of the disciples. It is because of this fact that a Guru initiates a limited number of disciples so that the Guru’s sufferings on account of the disciple’s sins are minimised.

If in materialistic context, a disciple’s faith in Guru gets shaken then the one who is initiated is just pretending to be a disciple. A disciple is an integrated part of the Guru and he shares the joy and sorrow of his Guru.

A spiritual superman is able to minimize the physical and mental troubles of his disciples by assuming a part of their Karmic burdens. Just as a rich man relinquishes some money when he pays off a debt for his prodigal son, who is thus saved from direct consequences of his folly, so a Guru willingly sacrifices a portion of his bodily wealth to lighten the misery of the disciples.

Patanjali in his famous treatise on Yoga clearly states that by taking the responsibilities of a disciple, the Guru in material life, has to face shortages, difficulties and suffers pains. In reality this is an illusory cover and an illusory scene for a disciple that the Guru has a problem on account of his disciple’s action. Such disciple is fortunate who gets a Guru of high order and becomes free of the consequences of his misdeeds and sins.

When you are a disciple, pains are problems of the Guru should get to your heart and in such situations, it becomes your moral duty to come forward and extend your full co-operation and to give to your Guru maximum affection.

Serving the Guru stands for soul purification, while living away from the Guru, he can be served by following his directives. Most of the Guru’s time is spent in thinking, attaining still higher spiritual elements and doing penance. In such circumstances, one should look to the material needs of the Guru, such that the Guru is able to give his maximum time for creative purposes. Therefore, the disciple should send portion of his income every month or year to the Guru. On the Guru’s birthday or Guru Purnima, the disciple should go to Guru’s Ashram and serve his master. Propagation of literature authored by the Guru among friends and relatives or co-operation in publication of such works is the disciple’s paramount obligation and thus the disciple can serve his Guru.

A Sadhak is one who is aware of the science of Tantra and Mantra. The world of Sadhana discriminates not between a man and a woman. Both are equally eligible to try any ritual.

A small success cannot raise one up in life; only Sadhanas can bring total success. Sadhana means directing all one’s energy – conscious and sub conscious – towards one goal. One who musters all energy and will power and speeds like an arrow towards one’s goal is known as a Sadhak. Only such an individual can achieve the highest level of success.

The foremost requirement of being a Sadhak is concentrated thoughts – one’s mental power must not be spewing in different directions. When one has a composite mind the goal no longer appears to be distant. Then one is not annoyed or troubled by trifle problems, then hopelessness never pervades his life and he keeps moving ahead, resting not till he has reached his destination.

Only such a individual can be called a Sadhak. Only such a person can outshine millions of fellow beings. There can be no doubt that such a level of success is impossible without divine help, but pleading or begging cannot secure such help for an individual. For that one has to brim over with manliness and confidence. A true Sadhak’s motto is “Shareeram Saadhyati Va Paatyati” i.e. I shall secure success or I shall die in the process. This spirit of do or die, this feeling of challenge makes one a Sadhak. Only such an individual can attain spiritual success and in the process material success as well.

One has to kick all problems and move forward for achieving success. One who can even look death in the eye, one who feels free of all worldly shackles and handicaps can be a real Sadhak.

You say that you are a disciple. But know it that disciple is a stage after a Sadhak. The word disciple is synonymous to Upanishad which means sitting close. To whom? To the Guru! One who seeks the company of the Guru, gathers pearls of precious knowledge from him, and thus tries to strike a perfect balance of mind is a disciple. One who has merged his self totally into the Guru is a disciple.

Just bowing to him won’t make you a disciple, getting Diksha too won’t. Guru Diksha is only an attempt to get closer to the Guru, but one really does when one devotes oneself fully in his feet, when one feels divine love blooming in one’s heart.

A disciple is one who values every word of the Guru, who always takes the path shown by the master. To obey is the duty of a disciple – argument mars his claim to discipleship. The second duty of a disciple is service to the Guru i.e. becoming instrumental in his mission. Only one who serves and is obedient is a true disciple. One who actively completes the task assigned to him by the Guru is a true disciple.

The process of becoming a disciple is very difficult. One has to be egoless and have a spirit of do or die. One who envisions the Lord in the Guru’s form is a real disciple. A Guru may not call you, but a disciple rushes to him whenever he can. Service and total devotion are the virtues which make one a disciple and one who gains these jewels is envied even by Gods.